Friday, 17 February: Naomi Cunningham: “Telling it how it is: language and power in the row about gender”
Naomi Cunningham will consider why language has become such a bitterly contested front in the raging gender wars, and propose a plan of action. Naomi is a barrister specialising in discrimination law, chair of the human rights organisation Sex Matters, and a member of the Legal Feminist collective. She has become interested in the interaction between the Equality Act and the Gender Recognition Act, and particularly in the defence of women-only spaces, and has given evidence to both the Westminster and Holyrood parliaments on these questions. She has been or is instructed in a number of significant cases in the ongoing “gender wars”, including locally a claim against Brighton Survivors’ Network for its refusal to provide the option of a women-only peer support group.
The venue:
The Elephant And Castle
White Hill
They are £3 and you can purchase them on the door or about a week before at the venue. Please note that the capacity of the venue is limited, we recommend buying the ticket in advance to avoid disappointment.