Fisheries & Marine Environment – New Economics – Chris William – 8th September 2017
About the talk
Chris will provide an overview of the trajectory and work of NEF and then focus on some work specific to fisheries (and brexit).
The talk will explain why the need for a new economy where people really take control is now more urgent than ever given Brexit. It will focus on various components of NEFs work and show how, in the context of managing natural resources such as fisheries, coastal communities need a ‘blue new deal’ to create good jobs that don’t damage the environment first future generations.
About Chris
Chris Williams began work at New Economics Foundation in 2011 as the Marine Socio-economics Coordinator, managing a project to enhance UK Marine NGOs capacity to engage with key socio-economic debates relating to fisheries and the use of the marine environment. A key goal was to foster greater levels of sharing and collaboration among NGOs, specifically those working on marine conservation and fisheries. Currently Chris works on fisheries management problems and Community Economic Development.
Before NEF, Chris worked for Natural England (the UK’s nature advisory body leading on the Marine Protected Areas project) and built links with Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. From 2004-2008 he initiated and conducted conservation and development projects in the Americas and Africa; set up marine conservation projects and ran small-scale development projects in rural areas for a UK based charity ( Chris holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and North American History and Politics from Sussex University and a Masters degree in Environment and Development (with Spanish) from Kings College London. He is a member of Lewes Transition Town.
The venue:
The Elephant And Castle
White Hill
They are £3 and you can purchase them on the door or about a week before in the venue. Please note that the capacity of the venue is limited, we recommend to buy the ticket in advance to avoid disappointment.